The coalition government has been in an unstable state since differences came to surface among the senior officials regarding whether the cabinet's posts held by the Liberty Party are prearranged. 高级官员对自由党的内阁职位是不是协定的一环一事意见分歧表面化后,联合政府就出现不稳定局面。
Under the opposition accord, the proposed coalition cabinet will be composed of24 ministers and the prime minister. 反对党达成一致协议后,拟议的联合内阁将由24位部长和一位总理组成。
First, the local parties changed the power structure in parliament and affected the stabilization of the coalition cabinet. 首先,从印度联邦的权力结构来看,地方政党改变了议会的权力结构,它瓜分了全国性政党的选票,影响着联合政府的组成和稳定。